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How to get there
Follow the path hereunder to get to "Satellite subscriptions"
Menu/Settings 1/Subscriptions 2/Satellite subscriptions 3
Caution! Depending on your role on SiteWatch you might not see this section.
What is it about
This section is meant to activate satellite subscriptions.
1 This is your wallet. In this area you can see how many subscriptions you have bought and you can use.
2 Enter the IMEI that is available on your modem. You'll find an example in the next paragraph.
3 Enter the modem serial number
4 Select the satellite subscription you want to apply
5 Click activate to finalize the activation
Where do I find the IMEI for the satellite activation?
The IMEI is on the modem, under the serial number.
We've indicated it on the image hereunder with the icon: !